
Sept-place (Station wagon that transports up to 7 people) from Gare Routiere in Dakar to Mboro (Tourists on a Budget)

You would take the sept-place that is headed to Thies, and then take another sept-place from Thies to Mboro. You can buy out all the seats or just buy your seat and wait for the car to fill up. Price: 1,400CFA/ passenger Dakar to Thies, 1,000CFA/ passenger Thies to Mboro, 500CFA max. for luggage.

Alternatively, you can take a sept-place from Dakar to Tivaouane for 1,900 CFA/ passenger and then another sept-place from Tivaouane to Mboro for 600CFA/ passenger. Although slightly pricier, this route allows you to skip the traffic of Thies, as it takes a back road around the outside of the city. In addition, the garage in Tivaouane is smaller and the people a bit more friendly.